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NCTM Regional Conference
Atlantic City, NJ

October 22, 2015


Praise for the session

Digital Interactive Notebooks: A Multi-Demensional Learning Experience


"I just wanted to say again how much your workshop will enhance my teaching.  As my kids say "mind blown".  I just started doing interactive notebooks this year and I had no idea they could be this amazing.  

Thanks so much!"  -Anita


"I loved your Interactive Notebook workshop.  I do an Interactive Notebook in my Math classes but never thought to embed videos and websites. Ingenious!" - Kerstin


"I attended your excellent session at NCTM and spoke with you briefly when we sat at the same table for the next session.  I just met with one of my teachers who has started using interactive notebooks this year and shared some of the info I learned during your presentation." - Regina  



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